Brillantini tal-Qari.

Nifrah lil dawn l-istudenti ( Dean Anthony Mamo Yr6, Joaquim Cutajar Yr6, Julia Schembri Yr2, Ella Fava Camilleri Yr6, Miguel Muscat Yr6) li gew nominati bhala brillantini tal-qari ghal din is-sena skolastika mill-Agenzija tal-Litterizmu. Niehu ferm gost nara interess qawwi fil-qari u kitba mill-istudenti taghna. Is-Sur Paul Sammut Kap Tal-iskola Primarja Zurrieq 2021

AFL – Complementary Teachers and Literacy Support Teachers

Assessment for Learning enables the teachers to continually use information about students’ knowledge, understanding and skills to inform their teaching. Students understand exactly what they are to learn, what is expected of them and are given feedback and advice on how to improve their work. On the 25th January 2019, a collaborative CoPE session for…

Yr2 Parental Meeting: Mathematics

On the 21st of January the parents of our year 2 students were invited for a mathematics workshop. The session was delivered by the Maths Support Teacher, Mr. Heathcliff Schembri. The session was divided into two parts. In the first part there was a talk delivered by the MST. A PowerPoint presentation was also shown…

Ekoskola School Review

Dear all, Please take sometime to participate in our School Environmental Review. Click on the link to take part in our survey. Thanks and regards Ekoskola Review Link

Year 3 Gardening Session

Our Year 3 students had a science lesson which involved the school gardener, Mr Manwel Baldacchino. Mr Baldacchino delivered a lesson regarding gardening.  The lesson was delivered in one of our school gardens. Apart of the information given by the gardener, the students had an opportunity for a hands on activity. All the year 3…

Hour of Code

The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in more than 180 countries. Anyone, anywhere can organize an Hour of Code event. Through the Hour of Code website, one can access hundreds of activities for different levels of difficulties and year groups. The Hour of Code, organized by the…

Crush & Win Campaign 23/11/2018

As part of our continuous awareness regarding the environment, our school today promoted the Crush and Win Campaign. After a short speech from the Head of school, Mr Paul Sammut, the campaign started off. Most of the students brought empty plastic bottles which then they crushed on site for the occasion. The bottles were then…

Pink October Activity 2018

During the end of the month of October, 2018, our school participated in a number of activities to promote the Pink October Event. There were two special occasions. The first one was done on the 25th October. The Student School Council collected donations from the villagers going to the open market and on the street….

Animal Awareness Day

On the 4th October, 2018, our school celebrated the Animal Awareness Day.  The local arch-priest, Dun Karm, was invited for the celebration. After a few words from Dun Karm regarding the caring and well-being of the animals that surround us, the blessing of the pets was done around the school yard.  Students must always remember…

Workshop tal-Malti għat-tfal tal-ewwel sena li jirċievu tagħlim kumplimentari flimkien mal-ġenituri tagħhom.

Nhar il-15 ta’ Mejju 2018, fl-iskola tagħna, bl-għajnuna tal-għalliema kumplimentari u t-tim tal-Litteriżmu tal-Kulleġġ, organizzajna workshop tal-Malti li ffoka fuq il-ħiliet bażiċi li għandhom ikunu jafu dawn it-tfal rigward ix-xogħol orali, għarfien fonoloġiku, qari u kitba.  Hawnhekk ingħatat l-opportunita’ lill-ġenituri li jaħdmu flimkien ma’ uliedhom fi stazzjonijiet differenti, b’attivitajiet multisensorjali u b’hekk setgħu jaraw dawk…

Year 2 Parent / Student Activity

On the 13th of March 2018 the year 2 students had a special parent / guardian activity. The activity was organised with the help of our Complementary Teaching Staff and the College Literacy Team. The activity consisted in a reading and writing session. First there was an introduction by Ms Janet Cristina HOD, to the…